Friday, November 14, 2014

Essay Week 13: Hero

Deviant Art

One of my personal heroes is my grandfather. He is a humble man who has an excellent moral compass and will help others whenever they are in need. He is a caring and compassionate man who will sacrifice some of his personal needs for the greater good of helping people.  I think a hero is someone who selflessly helps others. They are also a positive role model, an upstanding citizen, a positive influence in others’ lives. They live with integrity and are patient and forgiving. They are devoted to generosity and sincerity. I also think that, for the most part, heroes are self-reliant and logical. They take the world for what it is and they remain focused on the positive aspects of it. Heroes have a positive outlook on life and try to spread this to others and brighten others days. Sometimes, you don’t need to do much to be a hero. I know that one day, I was feeling really down about myself and I went to my bike to find a nice note in my basket that said, “you are worth it. Smile” and whoever put that in my basket was my hero that day. Our service professionals are heroes everyday-police officers, paramedics, counselors, firefighters, etc. Parents are heroes every day by setting examples for their children. As said in Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog, “Everyone’s a hero in their own way.” I don’t think this could be any more true. Everyone should remember that sometimes, the small things can save a person. I remember reading a story several years ago about a kid who was planning to go home to kill himself and a random kid he didn’t know asked if he wanted someone to walk home with him. That random kid, even though he was unaware, was a hero. We should all just remember that we can all be heroes, and we should live each day to help others and go out of our way to be nice. You never know how you impact someone’s life.

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