Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Essay Week 2: Orientation Week Proofreading Assignment

Although I have not received my corrections, I found the proofreading assignment from week 1 to be decently easy. I have always done really well with spelling and grammar, and love these types of assignments. I can’t think of any rules I did not apply as I did the assignment, but I definitely had some confusion over the assignment. For example, I was not sure whether to capitalize God/Goddess, or whether there is a special rule for when to capitalize those words. I was also unsure of when to capitalize other titles, like president or king. So, I will need to brush up on that.

My main goal for this semester is to let my imagination run wild and create stories that my fellow classmates will find interesting and enjoy reading. Another goal I have to better my writing is using the word “that” less in my papers and to make sure I use a consistent tense throughout my paper. For some reason, I have a problem with switching tenses throughout my writing, and desperately want to improve this error. If I am unsure of where to find an answer, I look online at academic sources or ask someone who knows. For example, if I have enough time, I take my paper to the writing center for advice and critique. I also have a good friend who majored in English, so I ask her for help occasionally, as well. If I could give myself advice for writing, it would be to really proofread. This means, finishing the paper at least a week prior to the deadline and going over it many times. If possible, I would also have other people proofread the paper so that they have the opportunity to catch mistakes I may not have caught. Finally, I need to check my papers for the use of contractions in formal writing. I don’t expect to use this tip much in this class, but it is a tip I need to utilize in the future. 

Image by Steve Dinn

"Spelling Corrections" by Unknown

Image by

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, you got out in front of me, Linzee - I'll go read your proofreading thing now! Meanwhile, I love that one about the dog and the hydrant, ha ha. I will put that in my funny homophone file! :-)
