Thursday, August 21, 2014

Week 1: Introduction

Picture of my sister and I white water rafting in Wyoming this summer. Photo taken by River Runners. But, I bought it and it isn't copyrighted, so it is mine now. 

Hello! My name is Linzee Manor and I am 20 years old. I will turn 21 in November. I was born and raised around the Tulsa area and have lived in Owasso for 10 years. Going to college is the first time I have lived away from my family.

 I am an OU football fan and a Denver Broncos fan, born and raised. If it is Sunday and the Broncos are on, you will not be able to get in touch with me for a couple hours. 

I graduated high school in 2012. Now, I am a Sociology/Criminology major at the University of Oklahoma. I am graduating in only 3 years. However, after college, I actually want to go through med school and eventually become a surgeon. I will be taking the prerequisites at local colleges by my hometown so I can live near my family again. My ultimate dream is to be a plastic/reconstructive surgeon and do charity work with military organizations like the Wounded Warriors Project. 

Currently, I am a resident advisor in the Cate Center residence hall. I also babysit quite a bit. My two favorite things in the world are kids and animals. I love all animals, including the scaly ones. There is nothing that makes me happier than being around kids or animals and being out in nature. I love to play video games and craft, but I also love outdoor activities like fishing and camping. 

I have an older half-brother and a younger sister. My brother’s name is Nathan and he is ten years my senior. My sister’s name is Lexee and she is 16 years old, 4 years younger than me. My mother’s name is Renee, which is where I get my middle name, and my father’s name is Tom.
My sister Lexee and I in South Dakota this summer. 
My sister Lexee and I at my high school graduation. 
My brother Nathan and his wife Kayla. 

My daddy and I during a Dad's Day game. 
My mom and I in my senior pictures.

 I have 2 dogs. My oldest dog’s name is Callie. She is almost 9 years old. She is a Catahoula Leopard breed, which are bred to hunt razorbacks. However, she is the mildest, sweetest dog you will ever meet. We used to have a Weimaraner named Boo, but she passed away last September at the age of 10. On May 31st, I adopted a new puppy. He will be 4 months old on the 31st of this month (August). He is a Jack Russell/Rat Terrier mix whose name is Milo. He is adorable. Callie and Milo look like opposites because Callie is black with some white spots, and Milo is white with black spots.
Boo, my (unfortunately) deceased weimaraner. 
Callie, the catahoula leopard. 
Milo, my new puppy!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I would love to meet all of you. Feel free to add me on facebook. If you search my name, I am the first one to pop up, possibly the only one. Haha. I can't wait to see what this semester has to bring and check out everyone's creative minds in action.


  1. You have quite the wide variety of dog breeds! I smiled when I read about the Weimaraner because we used to have one as well and he was the goofiest dog ever with his giant ears. That white water rafting picture looks pretty intense! I've been once but the water was pretty calm, yours looks quite the opposite. Have fun with the new puppy!

    1. That was actually pretty much the only real rapid we went on. They take the pictures there on purpose. Lol. I love weimaraners. I miss my Boo every day. She was a FAT dog. Lol. Since weimaraners are supposed to be pretty athletic, she looked really odd. Hope you had a good semester!

  2. Hi Linzee!

    Wow, you're graduating really early! I'll be done in December after 3.5 years, but wow you go girl! I love your mix of dogs as well! Dogs are definitely the best. Becoming a surgeon is a wonderful aspiration, I'm sure you will be fantastic at it! I love the white water rafting picture, that looks awesome, can't wait to see the other pictures you put up! Enjoy your senior year!

  3. Adding more pictures to your Introduction sounds GREAT, Linzee - that's the nice thing about having people visit your Introduction all semester long: it means you can tinker with this all your want! I've never heard of a Catahoula Leopard dog... it would be so cool to see a picture of her. And a new puppy, too - so much fun! There is nothing like new puppy energy - you must have had such a fun summer! We have two very fun cats, and I really like how during the summer there is so much time to play with them.. and also to just snooze in the sun. Cats are good at teaching us how to do that too! :-)

  4. Hi Linzee! That picture of you white water rafting in Wyoming is awesome! It looks like so much fun and that is something I have always wanted to do. I am a Sociology major and I have taken a lot of criminology classes in the past two years. I really loved them! Your dogs sound so cute! I also have two dogs, a husky and a poodle. Two of the most different dogs out there! I cannot believe you are graduating three years early! I do not know how you did it, that's crazy! Good for you! Good luck with this semester!

    1. I LOOOOOOOVE huskies. They are probably my favorite. Such gorgeous dogs. Also, I am not graduating 3 years early. I am graduating 1 year early. I am graduating in 3 years. But that would be super impressive! Haha.

  5. Your family and your pets sound really fun! I really like the picture of you rafting too. I am also from the Tulsa area and I would like to continue to live there. It is super impressive that you are an RA and finishing school an entire year early. I really respect the hard work you have put in and I think you can be a doctor if you put in the work.

  6. Hi Linzee, it's very nice to "meet" you. I too am from the Tulsa are, i'm from a little suburb not too far from Tulsa called Sand Springs. Your major seems interesting too, I would love to hear more about it. Honestly I'm not sure what breed of dog you have, not quite the dog expert. But they sound so lovable and sweet and I absolutely love their names!

  7. Linzee, like you I also love dogs. I had a blue healer who passed away a couple of years ago and now I have a sheltie who I absolutely love. That’s awesome that you will be able to graduate a year early and go back home to your family! I am pre-PA and will be applying next summer to PA school. I’m excited about starting a career in the medical field which I know surgery is the one aspect I do not want to go in. With that said, I’m glad you are interested in it !!

  8. Hey Linzee, I have found dogs are one of the best stress relievers in college. My roommates have had dogs for the past couple years and their energy is refreshing at the end of the day to keep you working and provide you with study breaks of playing around. My favorite dog was a bull mastiff who weighed somewhere around 120 pounds. Gosh, graduating in three years sounds like a tough task, but good luck!

  9. First of all I have to say that Milo has the prettiest coat ever!

    I'm happy to hear you love ALL animals (including the scaly ones). I go to reptile conventions quite a bit and I'm always happy to see other girls defying the whole scared-of-scales stereotype. Although I'm still not sure I could hold a huge tarantula.

    I'm really curious about how sociology/criminology leads you to becoming a surgeon. I'm pretty ignorant about these things, though. Is your undergrad stuff irrelevant basically? Or is there some kind of awesome criminology surgery stuff you can go into? I'd totally watch that show.

    Have a good semester!! :D

  10. Hey Linzee,

    I am was sad to hear that you are a Broncos fan. I have family up in Maine and they have turned me into a die hard Patriots fan. I like how you used so many pictures in your introduction. Sometimes you just can't say the same things that pictures do. Your dogs are absolutely adorable, I am a huge fan of dogs and really want to get my own soon. Hope you have a good semester, and go PATS!

  11. Linzee,

    Your dogs are so cute! I'm sorry about Boo though!

    You're graduating after three years?! Wow! That's really impressive. Have you taken the MCAT yet? If not, good luck! Do you low where you want to go to med school? Plastic/reconstructive surgery would be really cool! You would definitely never have a dull moment haha.

    Nice getting to meet you!

  12. Hi Linzee,
    I actually already commented on this introduction awhile back! But I decided to comment again because I see that you added new photos! It nice to have a little peep into someone’s life through pictures. Judging from yours you look like you have such a great and fun loving family! Also your dogs are so cute!

  13. Linzee,
    First off, I want to wish you a happy 21st birthday for last month! I think it is great that you will be graduating so early and will get the opportunity to move back closer to your family. My wife and I have yet to move very far from our families, so I'm can't fully understand how great a feeling moving back must be. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!
